Valley Shores Safety Buoys

Valley Shores Residents, Two orange buoys have been placed in the lake, one on the northern end and another on the southern end.  These buoys are placed 50 ft off the docks to provide a point of reference for boat traffic.  You must be 50 ft from docks when traveling...


Date: 6/7/22 Topic/Person Notes Actions Welcome –   In attendance: James Dean, Tim Milltti, Greg Harr, Craig Millius, Gregg Englert, Joel Sedlacek Fireworks Still awaiting the invoice from Evan at Peters Pyro. Likely will be $3000 more than last year. (Last...

Algae Bloom – 10 June 2022

Valley Shores Residents, The HOA board has been made aware of the current Blue/Green algae bloom that it starting to appear in different areas of the lake, especially those areas where the water is stagnant (ie coves).  The board has reached out to Nebraska Lakes...

Two Bulldogs Found

Two Bull dogs are running lose without collars or tags, currently Sunrise Circle   Pictures posted on the VS website. Contact Craig Milllius at 402-208-9798.   Valley Shores HOA Board Craig Millius Jimmy Dean Greg Harr Gregg Englert Eric...