18th Annual Valley Shores HOA Meeting 12 Feb 2023 [Autosaved]


Valley Shores Residents,

18th Annual Valley Shores HOA Meeting

Pines County Club

Sunday February 12th, 2023 @ 1:00-2:00 P.M.

                                       I. Call to Order

                                      II. Introduce Board of Directors –

                                      III.   Treasurer’s Report –

                                      IV. Board Reports 

                                          – Fish Committee Report –

                                     V.  Election of Board of Directors –

                                     VI. Old Business.

                                         – Update on Ground Builders Agreement

                                         – Update on Garbage Agreement

                                         – Design Committee Boat Ramp

                                         – Food Trucks

                                         – Lake Treatments

                                         – Fireworks (1 Jul 2023)                                     

                                     VII.  New Business         

                                        – New business brought up by homeowners must be submitted via email to

                                          valleyshoreshoa@gmail.com prior to the meeting

                                          – No new business has been submitted                                                                                                       

                                VIII.  Adjournment

Valley Shores HOA Board
Gregg Englert
Jimmy Dean
Eric Gottuso
Greg Harr
Joel Sedlacek

Members at Large
Tim Militti
Vacant Position