July 4, Boating Rule Update (Final)

To Valley Shores Residents: Over the July 4, holiday, your Board has tried to find some middle ground by normalizing limited boating use. However, after we review the condition of the beaches today along with our neighbors personal property, we have come to the...

“Beach Grooming & Recovery

To Valley Shores Lake Residents: With the recent heavy rains and the rising water in our lake, maintaining our beaches have been a challenge. Beaches have been partially lost or they have severely damaged by washouts caused by the heavy rains. As our neighbors look...

Valley Shores Fireworks Fundraiser 2024

Valley Shores Fundraiser 2024 To our Valley Shores Neighbors: Your Board would like to announce our annual fundraiser for this year’s Fireworks Show. Our show this year will be at dusk on July 5, 2024. The fireworks show is our communities main event of the year. Many...