The boating covenants and rules are available to download from this website at any time. These rules are specific to our lake and follow the Nebraska boating rules. Here are some very important infractions that are being reported to the board.
- All boats and skiers, and others being pulled by a boat must remain a minimum of fifty feet from the shore and /or boat lifts and docks. Speed in the launching, shore and dock areas is always NO WAKE, and on the Lake proper between sundown and sunrise, is NO WAKE. The maximum speed is 35 mph.
- Swimming across the main part of the lake is PROHIBITED. The twenty -five-foot area adjoining the residence lots is reserved for swimming, paddle boards, paddle boats and canoes.
- All boats must display the owners lot number.
- Only one motorized watercraft from each lot shall be operated on the water at any given time.
- All boating will be in a COUNTER CLOCK WISE direction.
- All boats towing skiers/tubers must have a wide-angle rear view mirror or an onboard observer 13 years or older.
- Children under 12 years of age must wear approved life preservers when in a moving boat.
- No one under 18 years of age shall operate a motor boat.
- All boat must use appropriate lights on the lake at night.
- All boats pulling people must have an orange warning flag on board and show it when the person being towed is down.
- It is PROHIBITED to stand or sit on the side edge of a moving powerboat.
It is also stated in the covenants that members are accountable and liable for the actions and conduct of their guests. Please make sure your guests are aware of all the rules for their safety and enjoyment.