To Valley Shores Lake Residents:

We just wanted to update our lake residents that we are aware of the recent algae bloom and where we are at with correcting this problem.

First, we have three (3) ultrasonic devices placed strategically on the lake for the sole purpose of eliminating algae blooms before they appear, and at worse, minimizing the occurrence of new algae blooms and to then eliminate the algae blooms quicker than with the use of chemicals.

Second, we will be conducting maintenance of the three (3) ultrasonic devices today, and after that, we will be going up & down the lake at higher speeds to create sufficient wake to help disperse the remaining algae blooms.

Third, upon receiving the necessary testing equipment, we will test the algae to see if this algae is resistant to our ultrasonic devices. If so, we will then treat the lake with the appropriate chemicals.

Fourth, and finally, this latest algae bloom might be the result of our lake water being stagnant. if this is the conclusion our testing comes too, we might have to conduct short periods of lake traffic to churn up the lake to correct this problem.

Thank you,

Your Valley Shores Board