Valley Shores Residents,

The HOA Board did not conduct a July HOA Board meeting due to the 4th of July Holiday, so there will be no notes to pass along this month.  Our next board meeting will be held on 2 Aug.  The Board did collect the fireworks signs on Saturday 9 July for possible reuse next year and beyond if needed.  If you have still have a sign please drop it off at Jimmy Deans home at 7804 North 281st Ave or contact a HOA Board member for pickup.  Please pass along any feedback that you have from the fireworks, and we are still seeking any feedback you may have for the safety buoys that were placed.  Thank you.

Valley Shores HOA Board
Craig Millius
Jimmy Dean
Eric Gottuso
Greg Harr
Gregg Englert

Members at Large
Tim Militti
Joe Sedlacek