Quarterly Valley Shores HOA Meeting
May 23rd @ 1 PM
The Pines Country Club or Zoom
The HOA Board would like to invite you to attend our quarterly HOA Meeting being held at the Pines County Club or you can join via Zoom on May 23rd at 1 PM. The Pines has asked that as long as the City of Valley has a mask mandate that we respect that when attending the meeting in person, this will include proper social distancing.
We encourage you to attend this meeting, we will be discussing important topics such as the finalization of the Beautification Project, the potential sale of the boat ramp lot and several others that will have an impact on our community.
If you do not feel comfortable going to our meeting in person then please join us via Zoom, provided below is the Zoom conference link.
Craig Millius is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.